Well that was fast, Starbucks had their new corporate jet for less than a month before succumbing to economic pressures and putting it up for sale. Aero-News Network reports that the company had less than 20 flights on the new Gulfstream G550 before putting it up for sale with Avpro. The news comes as Starbucks reported lower earnings and plans to close more stores.
soKe.flace('money-23395', '618', '600'); var uid = new Date().getTime(); var flashProxy = new FlashProxy(uid, 'http://www.aolcdn.com/_media/modtools/kit_swfpublisher_javascriptflashgateway.swf'); var flashvars = {}; try { flashvars.lcId = uid; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.targetAds = 'money-23395'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.omniture_tracker = '0'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.adrefresh_wrapper = '1'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.appswfURL = soKe.fv('http://xml.channel.aol.com/xmlpublisher/fetch.v2.xml?option=expand_relative_urls&dataUrlNodes=uiConfig,feedConfig,entry&id=470217&pid=470216&uts=1232662630'); } catch (Exc) { }; if (typeof(screen_name) != 'undefined') try { flashvars.userName = screen_name; } catch (Exc) { }; var params = {}; try { params.wmode = 'opaque'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.menu = 'false'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.bgcolor = '#ffffff'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.quality = 'best'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.allowScriptAccess = 'always'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.allowFullScreen = 'true'; } catch (Exc) { }; var attributes = {}; try { attributes.id = 'outlet'; } catch (Exc) { }; top.exd_space.refresher.ads2Refresh(new Array( 'money-23395', new Array('93217497','300','250','0','I','1') )); top.exd_space.refresher.iFrm2Refresh(new Array( 'money-23395', new Array('Placement_ID', '1370708'), new Array('Domain_ID', '1079767') )); top.exd_space.refresher.mmx('money-23395', 'http://www.aolcdn.com/_media/channels/ke_blank.html', ''); swfobject.embedSWF('http://cdn.channel.aol.com/cs_feed_v1_6/csfeedwrapper.swf', 'money-23395-swf', '618', '600', '9.0.115', 'http://www.aolcdn.com/ke/swfobject/expressinstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes); top.exd_space.refresher.launcher( 'money-23395',{ dynamicSlide:[''], size:['456t'], photoNumber:['7'], title:['These famous brands are facing troubled times.'], numimages:['13'], baseImageURL:['http://cdn.compuserve.com/'], imageurl:['http://o.aolcdn.com/photo-hub/news_gallery/5/9/597081/1232467569271.JPEG'], credit:[''], source:[''], caption:['Six months ago, 16-year-old Russian fashion designer Kira Plastinina was having her U.S. launch party. Her pink-festooned stores opened in New York and Los Angeles and she appeared on MTV's TRL. Fast forward to now, TRL is no more and Kira Plastinina is closing almost all of her 12 U.S. outlets after being open less than a year. Sergei Plastinin, Kira's rich father, tells Bloomberg that the numbers of shoppers in the U.S. fell significantly and because of the banking crisis it also become much harder to get money for growing the chain. The U.S. backing company has filed for bankruptcy.'], dims:['http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/PGMC/5/407/269/70/'], showDisclaimerText:[''], disclaimerText:[''], CSS_Title:['#333333'], CSS_Caption:['#333333'], CSS_Disclaimer:['#333333'], CSS_Container:['#ffffff'], CSS_Border:[''], CSS_PhotoWell:['#ffffff'], CSS_photoHolder:[''], CSS_Buttons:['#6666CC'], CSS_BtnOver:['#6666cc'], CSS_Scroll:[''], topMargin:['0,0,407,269,408,269,0,0'] } );
The $45 million Gulfstream 550 was ordered four years ago during boom times for the coffee company. Unlike Citigroup and other companies on the hot seat for private jet usage, Starbucks hasn't asked for federal funds. The company has also been trying to sell off its Gulfstream G-V. Now Starbucks just has to find a willing buyer.
soKe.flace('money-23395', '618', '600'); var uid = new Date().getTime(); var flashProxy = new FlashProxy(uid, 'http://www.aolcdn.com/_media/modtools/kit_swfpublisher_javascriptflashgateway.swf'); var flashvars = {}; try { flashvars.lcId = uid; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.targetAds = 'money-23395'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.omniture_tracker = '0'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.adrefresh_wrapper = '1'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { flashvars.appswfURL = soKe.fv('http://xml.channel.aol.com/xmlpublisher/fetch.v2.xml?option=expand_relative_urls&dataUrlNodes=uiConfig,feedConfig,entry&id=470217&pid=470216&uts=1232662630'); } catch (Exc) { }; if (typeof(screen_name) != 'undefined') try { flashvars.userName = screen_name; } catch (Exc) { }; var params = {}; try { params.wmode = 'opaque'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.menu = 'false'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.bgcolor = '#ffffff'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.quality = 'best'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.allowScriptAccess = 'always'; } catch (Exc) { }; try { params.allowFullScreen = 'true'; } catch (Exc) { }; var attributes = {}; try { attributes.id = 'outlet'; } catch (Exc) { }; top.exd_space.refresher.ads2Refresh(new Array( 'money-23395', new Array('93217497','300','250','0','I','1') )); top.exd_space.refresher.iFrm2Refresh(new Array( 'money-23395', new Array('Placement_ID', '1370708'), new Array('Domain_ID', '1079767') )); top.exd_space.refresher.mmx('money-23395', 'http://www.aolcdn.com/_media/channels/ke_blank.html', ''); swfobject.embedSWF('http://cdn.channel.aol.com/cs_feed_v1_6/csfeedwrapper.swf', 'money-23395-swf', '618', '600', '9.0.115', 'http://www.aolcdn.com/ke/swfobject/expressinstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes); top.exd_space.refresher.launcher( 'money-23395',{ dynamicSlide:[''], size:['456t'], photoNumber:['7'], title:['These famous brands are facing troubled times.'], numimages:['13'], baseImageURL:['http://cdn.compuserve.com/'], imageurl:['http://o.aolcdn.com/photo-hub/news_gallery/5/9/597081/1232467569271.JPEG'], credit:[''], source:[''], caption:['Six months ago, 16-year-old Russian fashion designer Kira Plastinina was having her U.S. launch party. Her pink-festooned stores opened in New York and Los Angeles and she appeared on MTV's TRL. Fast forward to now, TRL is no more and Kira Plastinina is closing almost all of her 12 U.S. outlets after being open less than a year. Sergei Plastinin, Kira's rich father, tells Bloomberg that the numbers of shoppers in the U.S. fell significantly and because of the banking crisis it also become much harder to get money for growing the chain. The U.S. backing company has filed for bankruptcy.'], dims:['http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/PGMC/5/407/269/70/'], showDisclaimerText:[''], disclaimerText:[''], CSS_Title:['#333333'], CSS_Caption:['#333333'], CSS_Disclaimer:['#333333'], CSS_Container:['#ffffff'], CSS_Border:[''], CSS_PhotoWell:['#ffffff'], CSS_photoHolder:[''], CSS_Buttons:['#6666CC'], CSS_BtnOver:['#6666cc'], CSS_Scroll:[''], topMargin:['0,0,407,269,408,269,0,0'] } );
The $45 million Gulfstream 550 was ordered four years ago during boom times for the coffee company. Unlike Citigroup and other companies on the hot seat for private jet usage, Starbucks hasn't asked for federal funds. The company has also been trying to sell off its Gulfstream G-V. Now Starbucks just has to find a willing buyer.